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Procedure 1: Create a Vector with c Function

The c function is used to combine variables into a vector. To create a numeric Vector, start by typing:

NumericVector <- c(1,2,3,4,5)


Run the line of script to console:


The vector appears in the environment pane, showing the dimensions of [1,5], which would suggest 1 row, five columns:


The vector can be referenced in the console, as with all other variables, by typing:



Run the line of script to the console:


To observe how R handles vectors, comprised of separate types (in so far as it CANT handle it), start by typing:


Run the script to console:


It can be seen that the vector has been created and is displayed in the environment pane, however, it is being created as a character vector owing to the presence of character argument which cannot be coerced to a numeric value and as such the entire vector becomes a character vector. To validate this in the console, type:



Run the line of script to console:


It can be validated that the vector has been created as a string, based on the premise of the double quotations around all of the entries.

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